
Waldo: A system for optical character recognition

Contributor in project under Prof. Daniel Povey

Transfer Learning in NLP

Transfer learning is undoubtedly the new (well, relatively anyway) hot thing in deep learning right now. In vision, it has been in practice for some time now, with people using models trained to learn features from the huge ImageNet dataset, and then training it further on smaller data for different tasks. In NLP, though, transfer learning was mostly limited to the use of pretrained word embeddings (which, to be fair, improved baselines significantly).

Irony detection in tweets

SemEval 2018 Task 3

Irony Detection in Tweets

There was a SemEval 2018 Shared Task on “irony detection in tweets” that ended recently. As a fun personal project, I thought of giving it a shot, just to implement some new ideas. In this post, I will describe my approach for the problem along with some code. Problem description The task itself was divided into two subtasks: Task A: Binary classification. Given a tweet, detect whether it has irony or not.

Unsupervised Approaches for NMT

Translation is one of those tasks in language where the arrival of deep learning systems, and in particular sequence-to-sequence, has been something like a boon. In less than 4 years since the first paper on Neural Machine Translation, software giants such as Google and Microsoft have already announced that their translation systems have almost completely shifted from statistical to neural. Gone are the days when researchers mulled over complex word and phrase alignment techniques, and yet fell short on several language combinations.

Trends in Semantic Parsing - Part 2

In Part 1 of this two-part series, I discussed some supervised approaches for the objective. In this part, we will look at some unsupervised or semi-supervised approaches, namely a Bayesian model, and transfer learning. An unsupervised Bayesian model This paper was published in ACL 20111, back when statistical methods were still being used for NLP tasks. But with the recent forays into generative models, I feel it has again become relevant to understand how such methods worked.

The Last 3 Years in Text Classification

While working on my undergrad thesis on relation classification of biomedical text using deep learning methods, I quickly hacked together models in Tensorflow that combined convolutional and recurrent layers in various combinations. While some of these “network architectures” worked superbly (even surpassing state-of-the-art results), I had no clue what was happening inside the model. To gain such an intuition, I read about 20 recent papers on text classification (starting with the first “CNN for sentence classification” paper by Yoon Kim) over the course of a week.

Understanding Word Vectors

This article is a formal representation of my understanding of vector semantics, from course notes and reading reference papers and chapters from Jurafsky’s SLP book. I will be talking about sparse and dense vector semantics, including SVD, skip-gram, and GloVe. In many places, I will try to explain the ideas in language rather than equations (but I’ll provide links to derivations and stuff wherever it is absolutely essential, which is actually everywhere!

Trends in Semantic Parsing - Part 1

In this article, I will try to round up some (mostly neural) approaches for semantic parsing and semantic role labeling (SRL). This is not an extensive review of these methods, but just a collection of my notes on reading some recent research on the subject. However, I do believe it covers most of the latest trends as well as their limitations. But first, what is semantic parsing? “Semantic” refers to meaning, and “parsing” means resolving a sentence into its component parts.

Metrics for NLG Evaluation

Simple natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis, or even more complex ones like semantic parsing are easy to evaluate since the evaluation simply requires label matching. As such, metrics like F-score (which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall), or even accuracy in uniformly distributed data, are used for such tasks. Evaluating natural language generation systems is a much more complex task, however. And for this reason, a number of different metrics have been proposed for tasks such as machine translation or summarization.